: Text Reference
(Item 31 of Order No. 77-12 dated March 2, 1977 relating to the consular function.
Issuance, extension or renewal passport
Registered with the citizen can apply diplomatic Center issuance, extension or renewal of a passport; same way and in the same conditions in Algeria
New passport by the owner receives only.
Be scored diplomatic Center -
Resident Card -
Show passport is ending and returned to the consulate -
Work certificate or a recent school -
Four (04) recent photographs and similar -
RO 30 -
Complete data on the form of the delivered by interest or complete data on the following link
Issuance of a passport for minors
Individual passport in Oman
Loss of passport
Loss of travel document produces special procedures and deadlines longer than usual for the issuance of Replacement:
- Progress lost STATUS issued by local security.
- Place your ad losing newspaper and submitted to the interests of the consulate.
- Pay a fine equivalent to the price of the rights achievement passport.